Toloka : Earn Money Online


Founded by Yandex in 2014, this platform named Toloka is basically for crowd sourcing and micro-tasking projects. This done to rapidly process through large datasets which then used for machine learning and developing advanced algorithms further. The proposed undertakings are typically simple and require no special preparation from the performer. Most of the errands designed to improve algorithms that used by modern technologies crossing self-driving vehicles, smart web searches, advanced voice assistants and e-commerce. Upon completion of each errand the entertainer gets a remuneration based on the volume of pictures, recordings, and unstructured content. The platform has separate versions for both Android as well as iOS users. 

Toloka Overview

A toloka used to be a type of shared assistance among villagers of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. This platform was first launched in villages to perform emergency work that  generally requires a large number of workers. These included  harvesting, logging, building houses, etc. Sometimes a to loka used for local area works (building churches, schools, streets, etc.).

Types of errands and scope of results Of Toloka

Data labeling helps to improve search quality and effectively tune result positioning algorithms of search engine.

Machine learning calculations generally require a lot of work like labeling large volumes of data and categorizing them according to the positive and negative examples. Toloka performers receive errands to determine the presence or absence of objects defined by a computer in a content item. In undertakings of another type, a context of the discourse given. Also a scale proposed by which it evaluated whether a chatbot’s reply in the given setting is suitable or not. Another gathering of endeavors in To loka iillustration affirmation performed by collecting cases of interpretations from particular entertainers.

Audit and marketing research

Checking the nature of the online store, delivery service, composing reviews about items and services. These audits allow the platform to be monitored thoroughly. They identify its weaknesses, which can be rectified and the work can be carried out over them.

Users Of toloka

Toloka users, otherwise called performers or tolokers, are people who earn money by completing system testing and improvement errands on the To loka crowd sourcing platform. In 2018, more than 1,000,000 people participated in To loka projects. Most performers are youngsters under 35 (typically engineering students or mothers on maternity leave). Performers fundamentally see To loka as an extra source of income, yet large numbers of them note that they like to accomplish meaningful work and clean up the internet. As of Walk 2022, To loka has 245,000 month to month active performers in 123 countries. Tolokers are known to have records like generating 15 million labels in a day.

Toloka’s Requester

All errands in Toloka placed by requesters. This platform primarily used for data collection and processing for machine learning along with that of other things like computer vision, speech technology, smart search algorithms, etc. It also used for several other projects and advancement of technology.

Toloka Research

In May 2019, the service’s team started distributing datasets for non-commercial and academic purposes to help the scientific local area and draw in researchers to Toloka. Such datasets addressed to researchers every which way like phonetics, computer vision, testing of result aggregation models, and chatbot preparing. Its research has showcased at a range of conferences, remembering the Conference for Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) and the International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB).

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